A Message From Our President: January 2023

We are so excited to welcome you to another year of insightful, lively programming at your Tampa Tiger Bay Club! The first event of 2023 is this Friday, and it will be a forum with candidates from all the city-wide City Council races. Tickets are still available if you don’t have yours.  It’s an election year, which always makes our events particularly exciting, as we welcome candidates and host spirited debates. There are few better places than a Tiger Bay luncheon to hear from your potential political leaders than our forums.  

You’ve heard it before from us at Tiger Bay as well as from many others: in times like we find ourselves in, respectful but incisive programs where people from all sides meet in person to hash things out are absolutely vital to keeping our discourse open and our democracy healthy. It’s too easy to blame the “they” when “they” is a Twitter handle or Facebook comment. When we come together to share a meal and have a discussion, that’s when we remember each others’ humanity and change happens. 

This year, our Board has rededicated ourselves to recruiting the most balanced membership possible. We want to hear the voices of those who lean to every side of the political spectrum. If you are not a member, or if your membership has lapsed, we hope you will join, be you a D, an R, or an NPA, and whether you are 29 or 92. Everyone is welcome, and we especially welcome the younger members of our community who want to get engaged. Members, bring a friend so they can get to know us! 

I invite you to contact any member of our Board to give us your feedback on our forums, let us know if there are issues or races you think we should tackle, or tell us anything else you think will improve Tampa Tiger Bay! 

We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Lee Lowry 